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Device Noise Levels


This is a report indicating the received noise levels for devices.

This report in all cases is a representation not a qualification of the device or sound quality levels – each device vendor may have its own criteria and individual factors like noise cancellation and suppression or equalisers hence this is can be used only as an indicator factor.

Each DB noise level is subjective to the given device vendor specifications.

Noise is measured in Decibels (dB) and provided for the given caller/callee device type and associated values by Microsoft Teams by each call type.

This can be used to factor the device types to the average received noise levels per device. This can be used to determine any potential association to noise either by and not excluding other factors such as volume by controls, speech levels, sensitivity, the possibility of potential hardware issues or to drive user practices like placement of microphone. This could pertain to a potential where users may find the noise disruptive, this may also indicate an effect to the speech intelligibility as the speech decreases when noise is present.

Other general examples could apply – the user’s speech level could decrease the father the user is from the microphone or adversely could increase by being too close, the influence of other factors such as room reflections and reverberation on speech could increase or decreases based on factors such as the proximity of the user from the microphone.

A use case for this report could be used alongside the individual vendor to ascertain by device vendor if and what is an acceptable noise level and how the vendor can assist to possibly enhance performance.

Use the date, Active Directory and Call Type slicers at the top of the report to limit to a particular area of interest. Further advanced filtering can be done using the Filter pane on the right hand side.

This report tells me


  • Summary total count of all Microphone device types in use
  • Summary total count of distinct Microphone Onboard devices in use
  • Summary total count of distinct Microphone External devices in use
  • Mic Type – Selection of all Mic Types e.g Mobile or PC, On-board or External
  • Mic Device – Selection of all Devices used
  • Calls by Mic received noise level view of noise ranges by call count
  • Calls by Mic received noise level view of noise ranges by Mic capture device name
  • Calls by Mic received noise level view of noise ranges by Mic capture device name and Avg Received noise level
  • Calls by Mic received noise level view of noise ranges by Mic capture device name and Avg Received noise level associated by call count usage.


  • Summary total count of all Headset device types in use
  • Summary total count of distinct Headset Onboard devices in use
  • Summary total count of distinct Headset External devices in use
  • Headset Type – Selection of all Headset Types e.g Mobile or PC, On-board or External
  • Headset Device – Selection of all Devices used
  • Calls by Headset received noise level view of noise ranges by call count
  • Calls by Headset received noise level view of noise ranges by Headset capture device name
  • Calls by Headset received noise level view of noise ranges by Headset capture device name and Avg Received noise level
  • Calls by Headset received noise level view of noise ranges by Headset capture device name and Avg Received noise level associated by call count usage.


You might notice when viewing device reports that you see the same device reported multiple times. This is due to the way the device is being reported by Microsoft Graph Call records API. Differences in users hardware and OS locale cause differences in how device data is reported.

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