
This report helps to understand the devices being used most, and the split of external and Onboard (e.g builtin, PC )devices by city or country. This allows you to identify locations in your organisation that may need help with a device strategy.
Poorly performing devices can cause call quality issues, and built-in microphones are not usually designed for the best calling experience. They can make voices hard to understand and transmit lots of background noise – the person using it may believe the call is fine but be affecting others on the call. Certified devices such as headsets and speakerphones give a better experience.
An important task in improving Teams call quality is to discover and phase out un-optimal or non-certified devices and replace them with certified devices.
This report could influence any decisions you may make when it comes time to buy new devices or to replace existing devices.
Microsoft certified device list is here: Microsoft Teams Devices Overview, Video Conferencing Devices
Use the date, Active Directory and Call Type slicers at the top of the report to limit to a particular area of interest. Further advanced filtering can be done using the Filter pane on the right hand side.
This report tells me
Mic tab
- Summary total count of all Microphone device types in use
- Summary total count of distinct Microphone Onboard devices in use
- Summary total count of distinct Microphone External devices in use
- Mic Type – Selection of all Mic Types e.g Mobile or PC, On-board or External
- Mic Device – Selection of all Devices used
- Distinct count of each Mic Device Type usage as a split difference of External Device or Onboard
- Mic Devices by Calls Made, Ranked Highest attribution by Call count, standout visual of Onboard Devices as red over blue
- Total Mic Device Types Usage by Country, Ranked Highest attribution by Country, standout visual of Onboard Devices as red over blue
- Total count of each Mic Device Type usage as a split difference of External Device or Onboard Device
- Mic Devices by a count of individual Callers, Ranked Highest attribution by Caller, standout visual of Onboard Devices as red over blue
- Total Mic Device Types Usage by Country, Ranked Highest attribution by City, standout visual of Onboard Devices as red over blue
Headset tab
- Summary total count of all Headset device types in use
- Summary total count of distinct Headset Onboard devices in use
- Summary total count of distinct Headset External devices in use
- Headset Type – Selection of all Headset Types e.g Mobile or PC, On-board or External
- Headset Device – Selection of all Devices used
- Distinct count of each Headset Device Type usage as a split difference of External Device or Onboard Device
- Headset Devices by Calls Made, Ranked Highest attribution by Call count, standout visual of Onboard Devices as red over blue
- Total Headset Device Types Usage by Country, Ranked Highest attribution by Country, standout visual of Onboard Devices as red over blue
- Total count of each Headset Device Type usage as a split difference of External Device or Onboard Device
- Headset Devices by a count of individual Callers, Ranked Highest attribution by Caller, standout visual of Onboard Devices as red over blue
- Total Headset Device Types Usage by Country, Ranked Highest attribution by City, standout visual of Onboard Devices as red over blue
Use the export feature within the report to put devices into Excel for further analysis.
Use simple filter key words such as “gaming”, here is an example where we have seen extensive gaming devices in use

When it comes to device names, the Device Report is extremely detailed; for example, suppose you have the following MIC capture devices:

Keep in mind the variables for example “Realtek” can extend into different names depending on factors such as localised operating system, versions & drivers e.g a version in english could have a different name in spanish or a varied driver version on windows 10 or from a different Teams Client version.