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Devices & Users


This report allows you to find particular users associated to devices by each individual Microphone Device and Headset Device.

This will help with Mean Time to Information and Mean Time Knowledge (MTTI and MTTK) to easily understand the spread of devices by specific users and to reduce any likelihood of encountering negative device experiences by un-optimised, non-certified or built-in PC devices.

Focus on the highest impacting users based on call volume by each device, with a detailed view of the Microphone, Headset Device types driver versions to determine inconsistent or various versions and outdated device driver versions.

You can you use this to ensure that managed devices have up-to date device driver versions as this can provide many benefits including making it easier to troubleshoot problems, a consistency level by allowing to manage few versions as possible as vendors may continually make general improvements and optimisations with later releases as well as make the user experience more predictable and consistent.

This report tells me


  • Summary total count of all Microphone device types in use
  • Summary total count of distinct Microphone Onboard devices in use
  • Summary total count of distinct Microphone External devices in use
  • Mic Type – Selection of all Mic Types e.g Mobile or PC, On-board or External
  • Mic Device – Selection of all Devices used
  • Top Users Mic Devices by Users
  • Users Mic Device by number of calls
  • Users Mic Device by Device Vendor and Driver version
  • Users Mic Device Device Glitch Event Ratio
  • Users Mic Device Average Received noise level


  • Summary total count of all Headset device types in use
  • Summary total count of distinct Headset Onboard devices in use
  • Summary total count of distinct Headset External devices in use
  • Headset Type – Selection of all Headset Types e.g Mobile or PC, On-board or External
  • Headset Device – Selection of all Devices used
  • Top Users Mic Devices by Users
  • Users Mic Device by number of calls
  • Users Mic Device by Device Vendor and Driver version
  • Users Mic Device Device Glitch Event Ratio
    Users Mic Device Average Received noise level


Focus your remediation efforts on the largest volume of streams because this will maximize impact and help to improve the user experience quickly. Use the other performance reports such as KPIs; jitter, packet loss, and round-trip time (RTT) measurements to understand what’s contributing to the poor quality – it’s possible for there to be more than one problem.

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