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Meeting Failure Locations


I can see an overview of the proportion of setup to mid-call failures and how many of these have occurred each day.

I can see a breakdown of AD country / city / department, or building region / country / city and the number of failures for each, allowing easy identification of problem areas.

Setup failures are recorded when a meeting join is attempted but can’t connect – for example a firewall blocking access.

Mid-call failures are recorded when a call starts successfully but drops – for example if Wi-Fi coverage is poor.

This report tells me


  • Total number of meeting sessions
  • Meeting sessions without failures – number and percentage
  • Meeting sessions with failures (either) – number and percentage
  • Meeting sessions with setup failures – number and percentage
  • Meeting sessions with mid-call failures – number and percentage

Call setup & mid call failures

  • Number and percentage of setup / mid-call failures

Call setup failures over time

  • Number of call setup failures, one point per day

Mid call failures over time

  • Number of mid call failures, one point per day

AD Countries with call setup failures

  • Number of call setup failures, one bar per AD country

AD Cities with call setup failures

  • Number of call setup failures, one bar per AD city

AD Departments with call setup failures

  • Number of call setup failures, one bar per AD department

AD Countries with mid call failures

  • Number of mid call failures, one bar per AD country

AD Cities with mid call failures

  • Number of mid call failures, one bar per AD city

AD Departments with mid call failures

  • Number of mid call failures, one bar per AD department


You can use highlighting in Power BI to quickly see an area of interest – for example clicking United Kingdom in “AD Countries with call setup failures” will filter the rest of the report so you only see UK cities/departments in the remaining visuals.

Meeting failures can be less common than call failures – if there are no failures in the time period and filters you have set you may see blank visuals.

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