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KPI Insights


This is custom to a threshold value that you determine, called a target threshold. This is optional, and set by our Customer Intelligence team on initial installation.

KPI Insights lets you determine your organisation’s target for a given network KPI, and is only applicable within this KPI Insights report.

Indicated by a target line visual for each KPI, anything that reaches this target is demonstrated by a play, pause and stop feature. This automatically finds occasions when the target has been exceeded within the timeline, allowing you to narrow down to a given day or hour, then drill through to stream details within that period.

Learn more about network KPIs and the effect they have on calls.

Use the date, Active Directory and Call Type slicers at the top of the report to limit to a particular area of interest. Further advanced filtering can be carried out using the Filter pane on the right hand side.

This report tells me

Summary counts of total calls, meetings and streams

Summary of each KPI

  • Average and maximum packet loss, jitter and round trip

KPI by Hour

  • Average, maximum and target line value for packet loss, jitter and round trip per date and hour

Play Timeline

  • Play, pause or stop the timeline to view packet loss, jitter and round trip by target threshold


If you prefer, click on a date in the “Streams by Date” visual, and you will see the results just for that day.

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