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Calls Dashboard


I can see a summary of the number of calls made and failures, with a breakdown by failure type and if this was on a wired or Wi-Fi connection.

Setup failures are recorded when a call is attempted but can’t connect – for example an issue with a Direct Routing gateway.

Mid-call failures are recorded when a call starts successfully but drops – for example if Wi-Fi coverage is poor.

Visuals show these breakdowns by day over the time period.

This report tells me

Total Calls

  • Number of calls
  • Calls made with wired connections
  • Calls made with Wi-Fi connections

Calls with no failures

  • Number of calls and percentage of total
    • Both connection types
    • Wired connection
    • Wi-Fi connection

Calls with any failure

  • Number of calls and percentage of total
    • Both connection types
    • Wired connection
    • Wi-Fi connection

Calls with setup failures

  • Number of calls and percentage of total
    • Both connection types
    • Wired connection
    • Wi-Fi connection

Calls with mid-call failures

  • Number of calls and percentage of total
    • Both connection types
    • Wired connection
    • Wi-Fi connection
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