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Calls with Failure Details


This report provides a trend line of the total calls by failure stage, and can indicate whether there is a prevailing pattern.

The table below the trend graph provides detailed failure information for all tenant calls and can be filtered by date for focused analysis, such as whether there’s a correlation between failures and connection types.

An example where WiFi can have an impact: 2.4GHz versus 5GHz use. 5GHz provides less background interference and higher speeds, and is recommended to be prioritized when using VoIP over WiFi. However, 5GHz isn’t often as strong as 2.4GHz and doesn’t penetrate walls as easily.

A recommendation could be for users to minimize potential interference by ensuring users are using the correct frequency, and aren’t obstructed by walls or other objects where the WiFi signal is weak, or real-time media might not be prioritized, or the signal is congested with other traffic on specific WiFi network channels. When access points of the same channel are too close together, they can cause signal overlap and unintentionally compete, resulting in a bad experience for the user.

Modality recommends that adjacent access points use channels that don’t overlap.

Filter by date, Active Directory attribute, Stage and Connection to focus on a particular area of interest. Advanced filtering can be carried out by using the Filter pane on the right hand side.

This report tells me


  • Summary total and % of calls, with and without failures
  • Summary total and % of calls by failure type

Calls with Failures – Callers/Callees:

  • Wired connections
  • Wifi connections

Tenant Calls with Failures Over Time:

  • Failure stage and reason
  • Call ID
  • Start Date Time, End Date, End Time
  • Call Type
  • Caller / Callee
  • Connection Type, Category, BSSID, Channel, Band, Frequency, Signal Strength, Radio Type
  • Caller / Callee Ports
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