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Guest Details

Guest Details

User Story: I can find out about teams with Guests, the domain they come from and the files they have access to.

This report tells me:

  • Who owns teams with Guests
  • Number of teams each Guest is a member of
  • How many Messages a Guest has sent
  • Number of Guests and Messages by Guest domain
  • Team Visibility (Public/Private/Hidden), to determine risk of accidental data exposure
  • Archive and Message status

Drill through to view Users and Attributes by team and domain, and details of files Guests have access to.

Gauge the level of activity by Guests in teams, and teams with Guests. Filter by Team, Owner, Guest or Guest Domain for complete visibility of who’s in which team, who the team is owned by and what the Guest domain is. Drill through per team to show files by type, last modified date and number of files in the team.

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