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How to Rename Custom AD Attributes Filters in Power BI Reports

Teamwork Analytics customers can elect to collect up to 10 customer defined user Active Directory attributes which can be used to filter reports. For example customers may have custom attributes to define employee rank or business unit.

Customers can choose to substitute default on page report filters for their chosen attributes, for example swapping City for “Rank”, this is a decision that affects all reports.

In addition, custom attributes are available in relevant reports in the Power BI filter sidebar as CustomUserAttribute1 to CustomUserAttribute10.

Since each customer can define the value of these attributes, the default Microsoft App Source reports cannot have the filters named with “friendly names”. If a customer wants to have the side filter bar have friendly names for each of these filters, customers can choose to receive the Power BI PBIT templates from Modality, rather than the app store, and then customise the filter bar with their preferred filter names before publishing the reports to PowerBI.com for their organisation.

How to customise the Custom User Attribute sidebar filter names

  1. Open the PBIT file from Modality and hydrate it from your SQL database
  2. For each Custom Attribute, right click and rename it to your preferred name
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