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PSTN Digits


Overview of PSTN calls, broken down by the first 2, 3, or 4 digits of the E.164 number (after the initial plus symbol).

Countries all have a top-level calling code, and a national numbering plan. Viewing call data in this way allows you to see typical usage patterns or find suspicious behaviour.

For example, numbers starting +91 are for India, and numbers starting +447 are UK mobile numbers.

Use the date, PSTN caller and call type slicers at the top of the report to limit to a particular area of interest. Further advanced filtering can be done using the Filter pane on the right hand side.

This report tells me

Top first 2 digits by PSTN calls
For each unique 2-digit code, the number of calls made over the time period, and the percentage of the total. A summary is shown as a table below.

Top first 3 digits by PSTN calls
For each unique 3-digit code, the number of calls made over the time period, and the percentage of the total. A summary is shown as a table below.

Top first 4 digits by PSTN calls
For each unique 4-digit code, the number of calls made over the time period, and the percentage of the total. A summary is shown as a table below.


Click on / highlight a 2-digit code (eg. +91 for India), and the remaining data for 3 and 4 digit codes will be limited to that country, easily seeing a breakdown of cities or number types for that country.

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