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CAT Installs – Customer Monitoring

On Customer Azure Tenant installs, customers may wish to monitor their infrastructure for issues. On SaaS and MAZ installs Nasstar / Modality Systems will monitor and manage infrastructure.

Usage and Governance Monitoring

Usage and Governance has PowerShell scripts that can be run to check on scan status and create windows event log events or generate emails if there is an issue, here – Monitoring and Maintenance Tasks Usage and Governance CAT

Calls and Meetings Monitoring

This is achieved through logic apps deployed via an ARM template. The ARM template is available here

SQL Monitoring Recommendations

Customers may want to monitor the performance of SQL. Due to the nature of Collecting large amounts of data from Microsoft Graph and Power BI regularly reading a lot of data into Power BI, Teamwork Analytics heavily stresses SQL.

If SQL is overloaded we will see alerts/issues with data collection and Power BI will alert us to refresh timeouts, so will know there is an issue. However, if you also want to monitor SQL performance directly, we recommend only alerting to performance issues if the issue is sustained for 5 hours or more. It’s quite normal to see SQL max out at 100% usage during normal Teamwork Analytics operations for multiple hours, Indeed these applications are written to leverage as much SQL resource as they are given.

So an example alert is SQL has been at maximum IO, CPU or RAM for more than 5 hours concurrently.

Again, if you are a SaaS or MAZ customer, Modality will monitor this for you and you do not need to worry.

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