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Automation Taking Actions

Can Teamwork Analytics Take Actions based on card User input? e.g. Delete a Team

By design Teamwork Analytics only has read access to the customer’s environment via Graph, so action buttons in cards cannot trigger Teamwork Analytics to directly take an action, like delete or archive a Team.

Our recommendation is that you can still present the option to users to press buttons or complete forms to archive or delete teams, but that the input from the users is logged and then IT take those steps out of band of Teamwork Analytics. For example, a card could say “This team has not been used in X days, click this button to delete it”, the user pressing the button can be logged in a database or SharePoint list and later IT can use a PowerShell script to delete the team.

If customers want a truly automated system, they can also use Webhooks to invoke a process using Logic apps to actually directly take the action. The customer is responsible for the logic app and its actions. Here is an example of using Logic Apps with Automation

If you want to discuss the options for cards and actions more please contact software.support@nasstar.com

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